The Hares -Smack my arse & Bakla Banger The Hares -Smack my arse & Bakla Banger Returners -Returners Visitors -Visitors 100 Runs -100 Runs for Beaver Trapper 100 Runs -100 Runs for Beaver Trapper Birthday Boy -Sodermizer Birthday Boy -Sodermizer The Holy Horn Award -Saput The Holy Horn Award -Saput The Shit Award -Sodermizer for stepping in Caribou shit The Shit Award -Sodermizer for stepping in Caribou shit Travellers -Recently returned from Pataya Travellers -Panzer, The last to return from Pataya Travellers -Panzer, The last to return from Pataya Visitor -Oshi from Japan Departers -Dancing with dogs,Beaver Trapper,Boom Boom Moses. Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins