Angeles Bushranger Hash

Who: Strictly men only
When: 2nd Saturday every month
Price: 300 Peso (to cover transport and drinks)

Upcoming Bushranger runs

Previous Bushranger runs

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102. 10/12/2019 Ask Keep the Change.. although he might not know.😁.. Experienced Hare, so expect the best.πŸ˜‚. BRING plenty of WATER! hot out there.. Keep the Change.
105. 1/11/2020 Not got a Clue..πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ First Run of 2020 see's our esteemed GM as the Hare.OnOn.😎. Two Bottles.
117 3/6/2021 Out there somewhere. First Saturday of the month this month.1pm from the Premiere Hotel. Bring water it may be hot. Keep the Change and Runisorass
84 4/7/2018 Them wot noes this grate trales start - just The Licker and his tart! Flat as a pancake, dry feet, quite short reaΔΊly, good weather expected, etc, etc PUSSY LICKER
49 * Ladies Run 2/15/2025 Somewhere in the beautiful surroundings in or outside Pampanga. For LADIES ONLY!!! Bring Red dress to wear after run as we will celebrate Valentine's Lost Suso & Shewee
45. 1/3/2015 Not known at this time. For those not familiar with Mrs Robinson's location,look out for Philly;s Resto/Bar, on Field's Av, and turn down the street at the side, Mrs Robinson;s is a 100m on your right 2 bottles.
68. 12/3/2016 Will be announced at 3.00pm on the day..... For those who don't know, Mrs Robinson's bar is down the street at the side of Phillies Resto, Field's Av. Soggy D/H
134 8/13/2022 In the hills around Angeles Given that many regular Bushranger hashers are currently away including our founder Two Bottles we are inviting anyone wanting to do the Bush in August to (as a one off) join the Corona hash this Saturday 13 August. PLEASE NOTE. DO NOT GO TO THE PREMIER. A VAN WILL LEAVE HARRIETTES RESTO BAR (CHECK GOOGLE MAPS) AT 1PM AND THEN FROM 1.30PM OPPOSITE THE RED PLANET HOTEL. Cost of the van 100 pesos and you can buy beer at the circle at 60 peso each. Keep the Change and Runisorass
122. 8/14/2021 Think it maybe Florida..🀣🀣 Good luck.🏍🏍 Nancy Boy
103. 11/9/2019 2Bot. is keeping this one very secret.πŸŽͺ Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward..πŸŽƒ.. Two Bottles.
116. 2/13/2021 God knows, don't think he's sure himself😎😎 Hare changed from KTC to Eggheah, KTC was sick.😊 Don't forget Bushies..1pm...from Premiere. .Changed to Egghead.
128 3/19/2022 Jeep leaves Premiere at 1pm Hare Two Bottles. Very very easy for trail for some! Two Bottles
52. 8/1/2015 Well, you all know by now, not disclosed until the day.. Hashing 101.. Soggy D/H.
101. 9/14/2019 Yep.. same as..βœ”πŸ‘ Hashing 101.😍 Two Bottles.
138 12/10/2022 sign up start 12:30 in our new bushranger home, the old flamming bar in santos street. jeepney leaves 1pm sharp.and the days run will be in the philippines in every bushranger there is a little boy who wants to go out and play. two bottles
142 4/8/2023 this bushranger is a outstation run in subic.starting from vfw in del pilar barrio barretto it's an A to B run,backs will be transported to the B side.after circle we come back to A side leech my nuggets & cohares
147 9/9/2023 close jeep leaves 1pm from premiere.two trails,short trail about 5km second trail is longer.most hashers can do the short trail so all are welcome. two bottles
118 4/10/2021 Bamban Shrine Stairway To Heaven Jeepney departs 1pm sharp from Premiere. Not a tough Bushranger as the weather will be HOT ... rolling hills and no jungle. Bring your hats and lots of drinking water. GM requests all hashers to bring face masks and face shields on the jeepney. Proposition and Wild Wolf
78 10/7/2017 San Martin Jeepney departs Mrs R's at 2PM sharp! Proposition and Wild Wolf!
146 8/12/2023 Only the co-hare knows Let's celebrate the absence of Two Bottles and make a Bushranger for normal people.The run will start from premiere at 1 pm. If you did not confirm verbally yet, please text Kaput, so he can buy the beer And arrange transport accordingly 09185255998 Kaput & Yakidiyak

The Hash House Harrier is a social hiking/running club. Angeles City is the home of 3 hash clubs, the traditional Angeles City Hash ACH3, the Beach and the new Angeles Bushranger Hash ABH3. The Beach and the Bushranger Hash are for men only. Generally the events take place in the spectacular countryside around Angeles City.