Angeles Bushranger Hash

Who: Strictly men only
When: 2nd Saturday every month
Price: 300 Peso (to cover transport and drinks)

Upcoming Bushranger runs

Previous Bushranger runs

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No. 87. 7/14/2018 All points of Luzon. Beware the Ides of July.. Ok.. I'm one day out. Two bottles.
136 10/8/2022 north boys will always be boys twobottles
111. 9/12/2020 Wish I knew, I would start a Day earlier..😁😁 Bring all the gear..Face mask/Shield/Qpass.✔ Keep the Change & Bushwanker.
149 1/25/2024 Meet at Premier Hotel. Bring change of clothes. Private cars may be in use. Wrong Way
141 3/25/2023 Meet at flaming Bar in Santos Street. There are rumours, that the run is in a far away land. Bring flash lights, compass and anything else needed to survive a night in the bush. Wrong Way
110 8/8/2020 Philippines Bring mask, ID and quarantine pass as we will be going through the base. Nancy Boy
97. 5/11/2019 In the infamous words of 2Bot. "Some point of Luzon"... Bring Water, it's Hot out there!.. Click on run No. for map to locate Mrs. Robinsons. Two Bottles.
22 2/2/2013 This is a combined Bushranger/ Kowloon H3. outstation Run. Kowloon will be leaving Margarita at 2.00pm with there own transport and drinks. Location Unknown,Even to the Hares! Bring your sense of humour, you might need it.. morphine & Sodomiser.
125. 12/11/2021 Ask the Hares on Saturday..😂 Bring your Sleeping Bags, could be a long one..😁😁 Guest Hares.👍
56. 12/5/2015 TBA. maybe.... Bushranger Hares motto-- "nothing but my best is good enough". 2 Bottles
81. 1/6/2018 Unknown.. Even to the Hare. But.. will be the Best run this year.. 2 Bottles.
Hike 5/31/2018 Dinalupihan. Mt. Malasimbo Changed start time to 10am Bring food and drinks, All welcome.. 2Bottles
80 12/1/2017 Finally another Panzer friendly run in a Panzer friendly area. A >> B. Jeepney leaves from Mrs. Robinson's. at 2PM sharp! Changed to FRIDAY because of the Haggis Bash in La Union. Panzer + Bush Wanker
112 10/10/2020 Click on Run No. for your run count,Guys on last Bush.. two bottles & Smack my Ass.
94. 2/9/2019 Same as last month.😂 👣.. Maybe.😱 Click on Run No. to see how many runs you have up to Run No 94. Soggy D/Head.
63. 7/2/2016 You will know on the day.. Don't be Late. Long john Pom.
115. 1/9/2021 I don't have a Clue.🤣 Don't forget the early start time..1pm from Premiere.✔👍👍 Two bottles.
109. 7/11/2020 What? No Fkin Clue.. Don't forget.. Mrs Robinsons 2pm Keep the Change & Bushwanker.
144 6/10/2023 car leaves 1pm from flaming bar in santos street. even we are few we are too old to die young. two bottles
114. 12/12/2020 Tarlac Province.well...sort of..🤣 Experienced Hare, Have no worries..🚑 Soggy D/H.

The Hash House Harrier is a social hiking/running club. Angeles City is the home of 3 hash clubs, the traditional Angeles City Hash ACH3, the Beach and the new Angeles Bushranger Hash ABH3. The Beach and the Bushranger Hash are for men only. Generally the events take place in the spectacular countryside around Angeles City.