Sunday Run/Hike

Next weeks Run #2402

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Time: 14:00 from Premiere Hotel

Location: Lower Magic Mountain. Go over TB2NW, first left, next right, left after 90 degree turn, continue until field. Distance from Premiere: 15km, 40 minutes.

Remarks: Trails: medium 6.5km, short 3.5km. Might be wet feet. On home Premiere.

Hare: Au Per, Bumper Ass & Belinda Coles

Who: All - Adult themed - Children welcome but Parental discretion advised
When: Every Sunday
Price: Men 400 Peso, Women 200 Peso, Kids 100 Peso for ordinary runs. Special runs like the AGPU or Anniverasy may have different run fees.

Upcoming Angeles Hash runs

2402 2/23/2025 Lower Magic Mountain. Go over TB2NW, first left, next right, left after 90 degree turn, continue until field. Distance from Premiere: 15km, 40 minutes. Trails: medium 6.5km, short 3.5km. Might be wet feet. On home Premiere. Au Per, Bumper Ass & Belinda Coles

Previous Angeles Hash runs

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2330 10/8/2023 Yakidiyak's family farm under the mango trees, close to lolas Field. Porac. For directions refer to run 2307. Pass Moontura, under the Sctex, across from lolas fields. Turns will be marked with calsamine. Trail will be around 5k. Expect nothing,so you won't be disappointed. Yakidiyak & Kaput
2134. 6/30/2019 Xevera, Mabalacat. Sctex to Dolores, exit there then right onto MacArthur, on for 800m then Left into Xevera housing development then Left again onto Kabayan Drive. Easy runs, 5 and 7Km. one small hill. On-Home Premiere. Rainy Season is coming..๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ Click on run No. for Map. Kunt Thief. & Stolen Property.
1991 10/2/2016 Xevera Mabalacat Drive on Macarthur hwy towards Bamban when you pass under Subic-clk-Tarlac express way about 1 klm turn left into Xevera Housing complex take the first turn on your left Kabayan dr follow to the end then turn right for about 400 meters then left look for rex,s white car will mark chalk on crns click on run number for map lost in subic and Runisorass
2129. 5/26/2019 Wooden house, Mainang 15.267768 120.531348 1.3km after the coathanger bridge turn left. Start is on main road 3.6km from turn. Detail directions: expressway. Enter clark south, exit dolores, right on MacArthur hwy, 4km, left at bus stop mainang road. 3.6km start wooden house. Nonexpressway (not recommended) MacArthur hwy, 12km from circle of death turn left, 3.6km on main road Trails-Short 5km. Long 6.5km. On-Home Premiere. As always, if you are a leader of a nation you may shake the hand of meatless. If not, you can take your dirty sweaty hand and shake seedlessโ€™s handโ€ฆ.๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ Meatless, Seedless & Ballchecker.
1874 7/4/2014 West area Prepare yourself,you are about to join a great adventure two bottles and sirena
1766 6/10/2012 Waste ground opposite entrance to Paradise Ranch on Base. On home Margarita Station. Bum Steer & Sodermiser
2127 5/12/2019 Villa Valentine @ San Martin Completed Soggy Butt & Proposition
1921. 5/31/2015 Villa Maria. At Porac turn right over the bridge,continue on that road, though the SCTEX underpass, stay on concrete for another 3/4Km, will be marks in Villa Maria to start. Short/Medium run, hilly, very scenic. On-home Niagara. Two bottles and Sirena.
1758 4/15/2012 Villa Maria underpass. Dances with Dogs & Lowerprofile
1839 11/3/2013 Villa Maria Underpass near Porac Lovely countryside. Mouse and TBA
2094 9/23/2018 Villa Maria STEX underpass. Go to Porac, turn right across bridge. 3.3 km to the start. 5 and 7 k runs we hope. On Home Barbarinos. dances with dogs and egg head
2148. 10/6/2019 Villa Maria Rd. Porac. turn right at the bridge in Porac, follow that road for Approx 3.5Km, after you go under the Sctex underpass the start is just ahead of you, been here before, last time the Hare was dances with Dogs. Two trails short 4.5km. long 6.5km, one hill on on run No. for Map. On-Home Premiere.. NOTE.. START TIME- 2.00pm from Premiere. Serina & Stolen Property.
1681 10/24/2010 Villa Maria (Porac) U/pass
2264 6/26/2022 Villa Gonzales, Barangay Jalung, Porac. Click on run # to see position of Villa Gonzales. Short trail: 4km, long: 6.5km Stolen Property & Not Yet
1821. 6/30/2013 UPDATE! at 8.00am Sunday, Because of the weather, today's run is changed,New Details-- Start, Same as last week, opposite McDonald's on-Base.there will be NO more changes. On-Home Margarita. Bakla Banger and morphine.
2101 11/11/2018 Under the mango trees at Clark Adventure Park (Magic Mountain). Bridge to nowhere, first left, then first right. After the Bushranger trail last Sunday - don't worry. This will be an easy 6 km walk, no wet feet. If hares find the time there might also be a longer trail. Maybe. See More Stains & Master Bates
2273 8/28/2022 Under the Cuayan SCTEX bridge close to run no 2271 location. Turn right 150 meters before the chicken shit field. Will be marked. Short 3.5 km, Medium 5 km and long 7 km. Estimated. Kaput & Floppy Dick
2368 6/30/2024 Under the BTSE (The bridge to somewhere) Trails: Short Trail 3km Medium Trail: 7km Onhome: Barbarinos. Barbarinos will be doing a Thanksgivng style roast turkey again! Regular and large portions available. Two Snakes Fucking and Not Yet
2309 5/14/2023 Under the bridge too somewhere mostly flat trail one trail nothing too hard in this heat or rain maybe some wet feet on home is at the premiere hotel lost in subic, Hynd titt wingnut
2286 Sunday 27th 11/27/2022 Under the bridge too somewhere Jeeps will leave the Premiere hotel 2.30 no wet feet not sure how long yet /Hares Lost in subic and Hynd tit lost in subic, Hynd tit